Hey everyone! 

So the train strike that was happening here is over. The trains will be running normally which is good because tomorrow I am going to visit an elementary school in Germany. We will be visiting Edmunnhausen school, which is an elementary school that was based off of the book about pippy longstocking. I will take pictures to show you what a German classroom and students look like. Pictures will be posted probably on Monday or Tuesday. I will also be posting pictures from my week in London, Rome, Venice and Milan. Tomorrow night after the school visit I will be taking the bullet train to Paris, France. The bullet train is a train that goes up to 200 miles per hour. I will be leaving Germany around 7:00pm and getting to Paris about 10:00pm tomorrow night. I will make sure to take pictures of Paris and upload those as well on Tuesday. 

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and a great weekend. I will be posting again on soon and pictures will be up Monday or Tuesday. 

There are only 24 days left on my adventure in Europe, I will keep everyone updated on where I am traveling to next. 

See you guy soon! :) 

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    Miss Kim is a student teacher with the fourth grade at Sandy Ridge elementary school in Union County, North Carolina. 
    She is studying abroad in Germany for two months and this is her blog to inform the fourth graders about Europe. 


    December 2011
    November 2011
    October 2011

