Well, I have made it half way through the week. We have been working in collaboration with German college students. We have been working closely together in order to learn about how German schools are different than American schools. This is done at the university we are studying and taking classes at. There have been many similarities and differences between theories in education between the two countries. While the majority is similarities, there are a few differences such as the way children get to and from school.  Overall I have learned lots and hope to be able to show you what I have learned once I get back to the states. 

Starting Saturday we have a week off oThis weekend I am off to London on Saturday through Wednesday and then Wednesday through the following Monday I will be traveling within Italy. I will update when I get the chance. Hope everyone has been doing well! 

See you soon! :) 

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    Miss Kim is a student teacher with the fourth grade at Sandy Ridge elementary school in Union County, North Carolina. 
    She is studying abroad in Germany for two months and this is her blog to inform the fourth graders about Europe. 


    December 2011
    November 2011
    October 2011

